Short Story

Follow us on our journey of writing and programming a unique EQ (Emotional Intelligence)-based visual novel like nothing seen before. ◕ ‿-。

Song Credits: Howl's Moving Castle Main Theme, Joe Hisaishi


Claire is heading storyline and character development, sprite and background composition, and overall game programming. Meanwhile, Shahnoor is taking on storyline and character development, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) research, manual creation, and audio direction.








Check in every week to stay in touch with our progress!


Statics: Psychological Report

Shahnoor Jafri                                                                                                                                
A&P: Period 1
Mr. Orre
The Psychological Elements

  1. Emotional Intelligence(EQ)
    1.  “The capacity of recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing our emotions for ourselves and for others. An Emotional Competence is the learned capacity of EQ that contributes to better performance at work.” (Goleman)
    2. Emotional Intelligence plays a strong role in leadership because the ideal leader is able to empathize with co-workers, able to manage stress, control his own emotions so he doesn’t freak out his co-workers, and read others. Pretty much it makes them well rounded and that’s what EQ is.
                                                              i.      Unfortunately many people have problems with maintaining EQ. Many CEOs have low EQ so low performance at work. (Forbes)
                                                            ii.      It’s not necessarily that the CEOs or leaders cannot take care of themselves it’s more like they have a lack of empathy towards their workers.
    1. There are 5 factors of Emotional Intelligence
                                                              i.      Recognizing and understanding our emotions; self-awareness.
                                                            ii.      Managing and controlling our emotions and reactions; self-management
                                                          iii.      Motivating ourselves by harnessing out emotions to follow-through with our goals; motivation
                                                          iv.      Identifying the feelings of others and utilizing that understanding to empathize with them; empathy
                                                            v.      Leading, negotiating and building relationships; social skills
  1. Social Intelligence
    1. “The capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and environments.” (Goleman)
                                                              i.      If you are socially intelligent then you are essentially a people’s person. You have diplomacy. You have the ability to get along with others.
                                                            ii.      This involves the awareness of social situations and dynamics. With a good sense of social interactions, the person can achieve his or her goal through manipulation and strategy.
                                                          iii.      There is a spectrum of Social Intelligence: Toxic and Nourishing.
1.      Toxic—you lower people’s self-esteem; make them feel angry and uncomfortable. Obviously if this is continued then there is no chance that the perpetrator would gain any influence.
2.      Nourishing—you make people feel comfortable and happy. Thus, it is easier for you to influence them.
                                                          iv.      Basically, this skill has a lot to do with awareness in interactions and assessing them with the right social skills. It also has to do with reading expressions/non-verbal interactions which is related to Emotional Intelligence since that too has to do with awareness. This thus leads to our next topic. (Social Intelligence Theory)
3.    SEL(Social and Emotional Learning) programs teach social and emotional intelligence to people.

a.    The programs implemented in elementary and middle schools stress on empathy. In high school, students actually apply what they learned on people. These programs and skills increase Neuroplasticity from SEl, because children become more mindful and receptive towards things.
b.    The main goals for SEL are to increase diplomacy and empathy between students and to create leaders in the student bodies.  
                                          i.    There has been a study that schools that promote SEL programs happened to be schools with the least on-campus violence. The schools that did not happened to have a lot of violence (Emotional Intelligence)
                                         ii.    Also, there’s a strong correlation between academic achievements in particular schools and whether or not they implement SEL. (SEL Review)
4.    Other companies that are researching this field
a.    CREIO(Consortium of Research on Emotional Intelligence Organization)
                                          i.    Prominent psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman runs this facility.
                                         ii.    He also researches social intelligence. He wrote Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships
1.    The book explains how humans are specifically wired to connect with others. Out neural anatomy constantly changes as we experience different interactions
2.    Another thing that is very interesting is that people who feel threatened or are anxious are more prone to catch other people’s emotions. That’s because our brains are more aware. (Goleman)

  1. Neuroscience Behind SI and EQ
    1. Social functioning: “the ability to construct representations of the relations between oneself and others, and to use those representations flexibly to guide social behavior”(Social Functioning)
    2. Several regions of the brain consist of “social relevant functions”
                                                              i.      The prefrontal cortex and midline cortical are responsible for self-related awareness. It is also used to making inferences on people’s traits.
                                                            ii.      The amygdala and temporal pole are related to emotions, judgements and social scripts.  (Human Social Interaction)
1.      The temporal lobes are responsible for interpreting social communication. (Social Functioning)
a.        Recognizing person’s face and facial emotions.
b.      Interpreting voices
c.       Inferring about person’s feelings and motives through their body language.
2.      The amygdala is specifically responsible for love and affection, friendship, expression of mood like fear and rage. This almond-shaped tissue then sends signals to the temporal poles which process the information. (The Center of Emotions)
a.       This is also responsible for associating stimulations from reward and punishments and light or tones. This helps us alter our behavior according to specific associations.
b.      If somebody was to have disrepair in this area then they would not be able to recognize facial emotions.
c.       Usually this region is for the emotional function but it does have a significant role in social behavior.
                                                          iii.      The temporoparietal junction is for mentalizing goals and desires.
1.      Very interesting because EQ consist of motivation and in order to be motivated we need to imagine our goals.
                                                          iv.      The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is another major region for social cognition.
1.      The evaluation of reward and punishment is the job of the OFC.
2.      Usually patients with an injury to the frontal lobe have a dysfunctional OFC which adheres them from following “social norms”
a.       Some of the behavior patterns involve apathy, insensitivity to other emotions, poor decision making and social judgements, and disorganization.
3.      OFC also plays a role in emotional processing like responding to certain conditions.
                                                            v.      The dorsomedial portions are responsible for the “higher-level social cognition”
1.      Complex self-monitoring
2.      Taking in other people’s perspectives
                                                          vi.      The lateral frontal lobes are responsible for decision-making, working memory, planning, and reasoning.
                                                        vii.      Overall, motor and sensory neurons play a huge role in social interactions because they help assess and mimic and individual’s behavior.
    1. As shown, regions that regulate emotions and social dynamics overlap which is why these two intelligences, EQ and SI, are so relatable; they are complimentary with each other.
                                                              i.      This makes sense because of one was to control emotions and manage stress (EQ) then they would be able to work with coworkers in severe social situations, thus making them Socially Intelligent. This is one example.
                                                            ii.      This was a huge problem when attributing this to the game because I was not sure which intelligence I wanted to measure. Now I know that I need to use social intelligence.
    1. Scientists have been trying to analyze interpersonal interactions on human behavior but it’s impossible to bring a casual social interaction inside a lab. (Human Social Interactions)
                                                              i.      Also, there are so many regions being stimulated, social and emotional.
                                                            ii.      Social interactions also consist of social feelings too like jealousy, competition, pride and regret. The emotions drive our social behavior.
                                                          iii.      Another things is that we cannot record moment-to-moment interactions since essentially everything we feel, everything we visualize and we talk

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